Rowanlea can be contacted in the following ways..
Email :
Enquiry Form: See Enquiry form below
By Post: See Postal address below
Telephone : +44 (0)1854 612487
Rowanlea can be contacted in the following ways.. Email : Enquiry Form: See Enquiry form below By Post: See Postal address below Telephone : +44 (0)1854 612487
Deposit for 1 week £100 | Deposit for 2 weeks £200 |
Balance for 1 week (at £525pw = £425) | Balance for 2 weeks (at £525pw = £850) |
1. In the first instance, after checking availability calendar, please contact us to confirm current availability.
2. Once you have confirmed with us the dates you would like are available please send your cheque (see rates table above) along with the Print Out Booking Form on this site. An acknowledgement will be sent by return.
Ullapool Roweanlea is located in Braes which is located just before you get to Ullapool on the A835. Take a left turn and follow the main road up the hill. Rowanlea is half way along the top road on the RHS.
For maps and driving directions please see Maps / Directions page.